School Wide Positive Behaviour

Monbulk Primary School is implementing the School Wide Positive Behaviour Supports (SWPBS) initiative from the Department of Education.

SWPBS teaches all students the expected behaviour at Monbulk PS in line with our school values. We also use a tiered approach to behavioural interventions and supports to prevent behaviours, teach correct behaviours, and promote a calm and engaging learning community. This also promotes a consistent and predictable response to student behaviour. Students are recognised and rewarded for showing our school values in the classroom and the yard.

Visions and Values

At Monbulk Primary School we build confident learners of outstanding character who are valued members of our community.

Confident Learners are curious, resilient, take risks, and share their ideas. They know what they’re learning, use different strategies to improve and give and receive feedback.

Students of Outstanding Character show our values of Courage, Compassion, Co-operation and Respect.

Valued Community Members have a sense of belonging, and are accepting and inclusive of others. They understand their responsibilities towards their community, and are actively connected to their school and wider community.


R triple C is the way to be!


Our school values are Respect, Courage, Compassion and Co-operation.


Respect – We do what’s right. We keep ourselves and other safe, and take care of our school and belongings.

Courage – We show strength. We are brave, honest and resilient.

Compassion – We help others. We are kind, include others and accept each other’s differences.

Co-operation – We work together. We work as a team, and follow instructions straight away.

The Behaviour Matrix

The Behaviour Matrix summaries our expectations for students in all areas of the school, at all times.  Students are taught the expected behaviours, and ways to show our school values.